Inmode Body FX

What you need to know

The BodyFX is Inmode’s solution to comfortable and effective non-invasive skin tightening and fat loss. The BodyFX achieves this by gradual heating of the superficial fat and skin with deep radio-frequency heating, ending each interval with a high-voltage electrical pulse to break fat down.

With advanced integrated technology within a single system, the BodyFX delivers the following:

  1. Suction-coupled negative pressure
  2. Gradual radio-frequency bulk heating of suctioned fat and skin
  3. Constant skin temperature monitoring, maintaining temperature at safe and optimal temperatures
  4. high-voltage ultra-short radio-frequency pulse to effectively break down fat’s cellular membrane walls

Which parts of the body can I have treated?​

Due to the ergonomic and small treatment handle of the BodyFX, all parts of the body are ameanable to treatment.

What’s the benefit of the BodyFX over other treatment modalities?

The BodyFX, unlike other modalities like cryo-lipolysis (fat freezing), shock wave therapy, high-intensity focused ultrasound and injectable fat-melting therapies, effectively breaks excess subcutaneous fat while also tightening overlying skin.

This is especially important for patients with poor overlying skin quality and loose skin, such as in post-pregnancy patients; fat loss without accompanying skin tightening can potentially worsen one’s appearance – more loose, overhanging skin.

Proven Results

  1. Reduction in measurable fat was at 39.6% 3 months after the final treatment
  2. Tears in the cell membrane followed by loss of fat cell volume resulted in permanent fat cell death
  3. Electroporation-induced cell death generated a combination of fat loss and soft-tissue tightening

Duncan DI, Kim TH, Temaat R. A prospective study analyzing the application of radiofrequency energy and high-voltage, ultrashort pulse duration electrical fields on the quantitative reduction of adipose tissue. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2016;18(5):257–267. doi:10.3109/14764172.2016.1157368

Frequently Asked Questions

Most users find BodyFX comfortable. During treatment you can expect a warming of your skin and gentle pulling sensation as the radio-frequency and vacuum work to smooth out unwanted stubborn pockets of fat.